My Life

Merry Christmas 2016

It’s my favorite time of the year;

spending time with family & friends in Jesus’ name.

My Christmas wish is that everyone gets to spend time with family & friends.


Last week I designed a nativity for fusible applique

(for Christmas 2017 patterns).

Not a little Dresden in sight!!!

Yesterday I decided to put it onto a few towels for Christmas gifts for my family.

So, I fused the design then

cut out the shapes.

This afternoon, after finishing my Christmas shopping,

I fused then stitched them onto 6 cotton towels

(1 for my mom & dad, 5 for my siblings).


Now to get them wrapped!

Christmas blessings to you & your families.

Just keep sewing…


My Life

A Graduation Quilt for Blake

Just one short year ago we celebrated Blake’s graduation.

(I’m getting old, it seems like yesterday…)


We had a party & invited Abe.


Of course we invited Abe,

Blake’s degree is in history & he is now teaching history at a local high school.

Fun was had by all…


There was plenty of dessert!


A chosen few even got to help him open his gifts.


I prepared & set out special signature blocks.


I didn’t know what kind of quilt I would make,

but I decided the signatures would eventually be stars.

So I cut out a nice size signature area from a piece of freezer paper

& fused it onto a 6″ x 6″ piece of muslin.

I also fused a 6″ x 6″ piece of freezer paper to the back side of the

muslin so the blocks would be easier for everyone to sign.


Eventually last summer Blake & I set to designing a quilt.

(I know, it’s the dentists’ kids who have the worst teeth…

& it’s my kids that I procrastinate making quilts for.

I’m always working on quilts for my business.)


Thanks to a chat with a friend last night I now know how to save a screen shot to a jpg so I can show you this page in my design software!

How’s that for karma?


we started with the stars that I would make

from the signature blocks gathered at his party;

calculating size options & quantity.

We then set to choosing fabrics.

A year ago when I decided on the stars I had envisioned using

these Nancy Gere Civil War era fabrics

that I bought at the Hickory Stick during my mom’s

& my last trip to Hannibal with all of my kids… 2009!

I know this because I dated the fabrics.


I was surprised, shocked & excited that Blake

was drawn to my vintage Thimbleberry fabrics!!!



Unfortunately for him, I did not have enough of his first choice in blue.

Just goes to show you really should buy the whole bolt of everything that you like ;)

Some of these fabrics are like 20 years old!

No doubt he’s my kid!


He enjoyed the designing process with me.


As I was pulling out fabrics from here, there & everywhere,

I remembered this George Washington print.

I got that at Paducah one year.


It goes perfectly with one of the background calligraphy prints

by Bonnie Sullivan from The Quilted Cottage on Main in St. Charles,

formerly Helen’s Hen House.


Again, who’s kid is this anyway that’s picking all my precious fabrics???

Then again, I’m going to enjoy sewing them.

So, finally, a year later…

I pulled out those signature blocks last night.

I removed the freezer paper backing, fused fusible web to them & cut out 48 stars.


Today I’m ready to piece the blue background fabric for the top of the quilt.

I love the buttonhole stitch, so that’s my plan for the applique.

I’m going to need a movie for this!

What are you working on?

Finishing up your Christmas sewing?

Whatever it is, I hope you have fun.

Just Keep Sewing…
