A Quilt Along, My Life

1(or more…)-A-Day, 3″ Blocks — Squares In A Box

Squares In A Box Block Day

How many 3″ spool blocks did you make yesterday?

Since I’ve been getting asked

“how many blocks do I need to make?”


“how many days will we be making blocks?”

The answer is:

We will continue to make blocks

until I’ve used a piece of

EVERY Thimbleberries

fabric in this basket,


& in my cart!


Lol, not sure I’ll live that long.

The real answer is make as many as you want.

I have no idea what I’ll make with these blocks.

I just want to give us something fun & easy

to work on instead of watching TV or reading the news all day.

Sew & have fun!


This is Squares in a Box.


  • 2 rec’s. of outer fabric 1 1/2″ x 3 1/2″
  • 2 sq’s. of outer fabric 1 1/2″
  • 1 sq. of inner fabric 1 1/2″


& if you’re an overachiever,

cut a couple, a few or even 100 more!

Sew the inner sq. between the 2 outer sq’s.

Next sew the block together.


Show us your blocks at my Sewing With Susan FB Group


Just Keep Sewing…
