Dresden Plate Quilt, fat 1/4 quilt, New lap quilt pattern, New Pattern Sample, Tiny Dresden quilts

Earlene, Just in Time for #nationalsewajellyrollday

Did you know that today is #nationalsewajellyrollday?

I have several patterns that are Jelly roll friendly,

but Earlene is brand new & the PDF is now on my website!

You can purchase & download Earlene on my website today

then choose your 3 jelly rolls,

fat 1/4 collection

or your fabrics from your stash

& start sewing tonight!

When I started making the Tiny Dresdens

I was just having fun using some of my most favorite fabrics from my stash.


You may notice some old Jo Morton,

some new Jo Morton.

Some old Brannock & Patek,

some newer Jan Patek.

Some old Barbara Brackman,

some newer Barbara Brackman.

All-time quilt favorites of mine!

Next thing I know, a design popped into my head

that would make the perfect jelly roll or fat 1/4 quilt.

A perfect way to make yourself a generous lap size quilt

with your favorite quilt fabric stars.

Who are your favorite quilting stars?

Just Keep Sewing…
