Hot Tips, New ideas

Hot Tip Tuesday #25, reinstated, at least for now!

It has indeed been a while since I posted a hot tip for Tuesday hasn’t it?

It’s not that I don’t have any more hot tips, it’s just that I got busy with market, then I just plain had no time to think about it much less work at it, so my apologies and I hope you can appreciate this hot tip.

While getting ready for my post for the new Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks Vol. 4 blog hop I realized I’ve never shown you how I cut multiple applique pieces at once.  I’m sure many of you already do this, but I’m always amazed at those that it has never occurred to, so…

When I have an applique piece that is used several times in a project and the pattern says to cut 4, I NEVER trace that piece 4 times then cut it out 4 times, no, no,no!  I’m much too lazy for that!

Look at the repeated flowers.

I don’t want to trace that same pink flower 4 times…

I determine how big the item is,

I trace the item 1 time,

calculate how big 4 would be,

fuse that much fabric,

trim fabric

peel off the paper backing,

cut the rectangles,

stack them up***********  VERY IMPORTANT:  Layer fabric to fusible web.  If you layer fusible web to fusible web and cut out, you will fuse the two layers together and you will NEVER get them apart. (Ask me how I know! You won’t make that mistake twice!)

Also make sure you pin the pattern right side to your fabric so you don’t accidentally reverse it.  With these flowers it will not matter, but with some designs it’s important.

pin together with template,

cut ONCE!


4 pink flowers with cutting once!

I can usually cut 4-6 applique pieces if the design isn’t too intricate.  If I needed 8 of these same flowers I would have fused twice as much fabric, cut 4 more rectangles and cut out another flower (x4).

Even if each peice is not cut from the same fabric I use this technique.  Trace once, cut once, have 4-6 applique shapes.

If you need a shape and the reverse of the shape, like the bunny on this pattern, layer fabric to fabric then cut out. If you need 4 bunnies, do that twice since you can’t lay fusible web to fusible web.  It’s still cutting your time in half!

Now if you decide to make my table runner from the 100 Blocks magazine coming up next, you’ll have a way to cut your cutting time in half!

Until next time,


21 thoughts on “Hot Tip Tuesday #25, reinstated, at least for now!”

  1. Love your Santa block – he’s adorable! I really like to sew for fall – love using wools and love the colors.

  2. It’s beginning to feel like Christmas. Such a cute block. I feel like quilting in the fall when the weather is cold and you’re nice and warm. Such a good time to quilt. I would like a chance to win a copy of Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks, Volume 4 for myself. So many talented designers.

  3. Love your Santa! I could also see him in the corners of a table topper! Thank you for the block and runner instructions.

  4. My favorite season for sewing is FALL. Not only do I get to decorate and make things with all the beautiful leaf color and pumpkin-y fabrics, I get to start on my winter season quilting, also

  5. I don’t usually like applique, but I’m willing to try this pattern on a table runner, as you suggest above. Looks easy enough for a beginner like me. Thanks for sharing your pattern!

  6. Your Santa is just adorable! I don’t really have a favorite season to sew for, but if I had to pick, it would be fall. I just love fall colors! Judy W

  7. I don’t really have a favorite season to quilt for. I just enjoy quilting as one of my pasttimes.
    Cute Santa block, and like the way you used it on the runner.

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